Myofascial Release Therapy
Myofascial Release Therapy (MFR) works on your fascia which runs like a three dimensional web throughout the body.
Releasing fascial restrictions helps remove pressure from pain sensitive structures. The lengthened fascia also creates space for easier movement and a greater range of motion. MFR hydrates fascia, thus allowing the fascial structures to glide upon one another more easily. MFR opens space for fluid and energy movement, facilitating greater circulation and communication - allowing the body to heal.
Fascia is a combination of elastin fibers, collagen fibers and a gelatinous ground substance. This matrix surrounds each muscle cell, each muscle fibril, each muscle fiber, and each muscle. Fascia actually surrounds every nerve, each organ, and every bone as well. It wraps around the brain and the spinal cord, forming the dura. When it dehydrates, fascia becomes like glue. It not only loses its mobility, but it also can exert force on underlying structures - up to 2,000 lbs per square inch! This tension can create pain when this fascial force is applied directly into pain-sensative structures. The tension can also reduce range of motion in joints, cause muscle pain when muscles have to work against tight fascia, and can even cause bizarre, seemingly unrelated symptoms when fascia entraps nerves.

Fascia runs through the body in a web. Traditional Therapy will often address muscles and their insertions and origins. Fascia can form longer lines of tension such as those running from your right shoulder to the left hip. Restrictions in the fascial web can cause strange referred pain and discomfort. For example, tension in the left quadriceps could refer discomfort into the left side of your diaphragm. Additionally, dysfunction in your lower spine can easily cause headaches. Therefore, myofascial release does not simply treat a patient's symptom. We asses the body for myofascial restrictions and work with the client to relieve the restriction.