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Myofascial Release Therapy
for Back Pain

Back fascia releaseMyofascial Release Therapy (MFR) can help back pain by releasing fascia compressing discs, by releasing opposing muscles such as the psoas, by improving overall posture, and by directly releasing back muscles, thereby stopping the pain-spasm-ischemia cycle.

Releasing Columnar Fascia
Through easy, deep expansion of a tight area using warm hands directly on the client's skin, the MFR therapist can help release fascia along the spinal cord and around the lower back. This work actually changes the make up of the fascia. The piezo-electric effect reydrates the tissue. It's like returning dried glue back into gel. This work of opening spinal and surrounding fascial tissue can help the work of your Chiropractor or Physical Therapist. As the fascia release, vertebrae are free to move back into proper alignment.

releasing the PsoasThe Psoas
Like a tent with one side's lines too tight, the psoas pulling on your lumbar vertebrae could be part of your back problem. One of the major tenets of MFR is that the symptom is often not the cause of your pain. The psoas is a deep, core muscle which runs from your anterior (stomach side) spine (L1-5) to your femur (thigh bone). If this muscle remains tight for long periods (e.g. sitting in a chair all day), the fasica within the muscle can shorten. MFR combined with special myofascial stretching can help to release the psoas, allowing the posterior back muscles to work less. The psoas also controls the curvature of the lower spine. Thus, releasing the psoas allows the lumbar vertebrae to stack properly.

Improving Posture
Through improved posture and better alignment, the body is able to move with less effort. Therefore, the MFR therapist will assess the entire body when attempting to find the cause of your pain. The pelvis is the foundation of the back. An unaligned pelvis can be interiorly rotated on one side, or one side can have an up-slip, or the entire pelvis can be rotated to the posterior. These are just three of the many types of pelvic misalignments. Additionally, forward rotated shoulders or a kyphotic (head forward) position can add great force to what back muscles have to support.

Pain - Spasm - Ischemia cyclePain-Spasm-Ischemia (& Lack of Sleep)Cycle
When a posture muscle is damaged, the pain cycle can set in, causing healing to take much longer than necessary. This cycle happens when an injured muscle is forced to continue carrying a load. The resulting spasm of the muscle can prevent circulation in the affected area. This lack of circulation is called ischemia. Ischemia leads to more waste products accumulating and decreased healing - which creates more pain. This cycle can be exacerbated when your pain causes decreased sleep or simply poor sleep. Sleep is a time of healing. It's a time when muscles can, in whole or in part, relax. In deep, stage 4 sleep, the body releases growth hormone which speeds healing.
MFR can help stop this cycle in order to restore circulation, promote sleep, and enable your body to heal itself.


Myofascial Release Therapy
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